Converts a natural language query into a 'ggplot2' command string. Queries should be related to the styling of the plot, such as, axis label font size, axis label title, legend, and similar.

gghelp(query = "", print = TRUE)



Character. A natural language command related to the styling of a ggplot.


Boolean. Print out the command or just return it.


Returns a string if there is a matching ggplot command in the database. Otherwise returns NULL.


'gghelp' maintains a database of keywords that match typical queries related to styling 'ggplot2' graphs. Based on the users natural language query, the function tries to find the best match and then returns the ggplot2 command as string.

See also


gghelp("rotate x-axis labels by 90 degrees")
#> theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)) 

gghelp("increase font size on x-axis label")
#> theme(axis.title.x=element_text(size=rel(2))) 

gghelp("set x-axis label to 'Length of Sepal'")
#> xlab('Length of Sepal')